How to enter Overlap/Deadband on West N & P Series
The Overlap/Deadband parameter on the West N series and P series products (including ProVU & EC44) defines the portion of the primary and secondary proportional bands over which both outputs are active (called overlap), or neither is active (called deadband).
On ProVU and N & P series, it is entered as % value, from -20% to +20% which is a percentage of the sum of the two proportional bands.
E.g. if the proportional bands were 14% and 16% (totalling = 30%) the maximum overlap or deadband would ±20% of 30% which is ±6%.
Positive values = Overlap, negative values = Deadband.
On the EC44, its is entered in display units, but is limited to -20% to +20% of the sum of the two proportional bands. E.g. if the proportional bands were 2° and 8° (totalling = 10°) the maximum overlap or deadband would be ±2°. For 2-loop EC44 controllers, fir each of the control loops, the 5 PID sets each has its own overlap/deadband setting.
Positive values = Overlap, negative values = Deadband.